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Kelders van Geheime Teasers - August 2024

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Kelders van Geheime Teasers on 17 Jul 2024
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Coming up on Kelders van Geheime this August 2024:
Thursday 1 August 2024
Episode 64
Is there a happily ever after waiting on Shireen and Edmund on their wedding day?
Annette holds Shireen’s happiness in the palm of her hand as the congregation waits to hear what her objection is.

Hermien and Rijk walk into Veronique at the wedding - and it becomes very clear that mother-and-daughter-in-law don’t really sit around the same fire. Annette receives a call from Australia, and Nenna and Joey contemplate life. 
Friday 2 August 2024
Episode 65
The media and a helicopter threaten to turn Annette’s new priorities upside down. 
As the sun sets on the happy couple’s departure on their honeymoon, the peace on Soebatskloof is challenged when a shockwave hits the farm.

Joey has something to say, but he struggles to find the right words. Annette tries to get on with the challenges that life has thrown at her - in her own way - but the media - and a helicopter! - threatens to throw her life into chaos once again.
Monday 5 August 2024
Episode 66
Du Toit’s return causes chaos - and he has to convince Annette to let him stay. 
Du Toit’s arrival creates chaos - and not just for the injured rugby player. The workers struggle to keep the media under control, and Junior gets Spook and the rest of the police involved to try and get the new circus off the farm.

Lynn, Du Toit’s mother, is the oil on the fire that the Marais family do not need - and she is not working on their nerves by herself. Du Toit drops a few truth bombs to ensure that Annette will allow him to lick his wounds on Soebatskloof…
Tuesday 6 August 2024
Episode 67

Everyone is unsure just how serious Du Toit’s injuries are - and the media wants to know! 
Francois takes charge of Du Toit’s comings and goings - and makes a decision on where Du Toit will stay during his recuperation.

The people of Soebatskloof are gossiping about the extent of Du Toit’s injuries, while Veronique reminds Annette of the promises she made to her unborn child. CJ finds an opportunistic way of making a quick buck out of the ‘tragedy’.
Wednesday 7 August 2024
Episode 68
Tjoppie and the boys leave for Hermien’s, while the Fouries get comfortable on the farm. 
Du Toit is making Annette’s life a living nightmare - and tries to make sense of his situation. Francois is not impressed with CJ’s opportunistic moneymaking - and delivers a threat that not even Tjoppie can stop.

Tjoppie decides to take a breather from the farm and takes the boys to visit Hermien. Veronique thinks there is hope for her and Junior because of Junior’s behaviour towards a threat.
Thursday 8 August 2024
Episode 69
More than one marriage and Du Toit’s future is on everyone’s lips and minds
Lynn and Francois can no longer hide the fact that they are living separate lives, but they are still doing everything in their power to present a united front.

Tjoppie eventually spills the beans on why he came to visit Hermine - and it becomes very clear that he needs advice concerning his marriage.

Du Toit is seen by a local doctor and the question on everyone’s lips is not how long his recuperation period is estimated at.

In a huge fight between Annette and Du Toit a few choice words slip out that should’ve rather stayed unsaid. 
Friday 9 August 2024
Episode 70
Du Toit and Joey have to deal with surprises, while Phillip gets courage to declare his love. 
Du Toit is emotionally overwhelmed after Annette revealed what is going on in her life. The phone stalker finally shows up at Nenna’s doorstep leaving Joey and Nenna speechless. Veronique tries to regain control over the men in her life, while Phillip finally plucks up the courage to prove his love to Debbie-Lee. 

Monday 12 August 2024
Episode 71
Du Toit, Tjoppie, and Joey struggle with the truth of their realities. 
Du Toit oversteps the line of decency when he threatens Annette. Tjoppie realises that keeping his promise to Veronique may not be that easy after all, while Joey struggles to accept the generous gift that Charl Sr left for him. Tjoppie needs to have a very difficult conversation with Debbie-Lee. 
Tuesday 13 August 2024
Episode 72
Debbie-Lee calls on Mercy to help her to concentrate on someone else’s love life. 
To Veronique and Annette’s shock, Du Toit isn’t the only one who's making himself comfortable on Soebatskloof - and Francois is less than excited about this new turn of events in his life.

Debbie-Lee’s plan to focus on her own relationship problems is to focus on her mother’s love life - but she is going to need Mercy with this new project. Eventually the newlyweds are back from their honeymoon.
Wednesday 14 August 2024
Episode 73
Lynn, Du Toit, and Mercy are struggling to implement solutions to problems. 
Lynn and Veronique are not sitting around the same fire, because Lynn wants to run the Marais household the way that she likes it.

Du Toit’s problems start when silence costs money. Mercy wants to ensure that Sandy gives her blessing with the project, and does a formal presentation. With Edmund and Shireen back from honeymoon old wounds are torn open and more secrets revealed. 
Thursday 15 August 2024
Episode 74
The price of silence leads to blackmail, that leads to new disappointments. 
Du Toit’s tactic to overcome problems in his life runs into trouble when blackmail is part of his desperate attempt to get off scot-free. Shireen’s dream to own her very own practice faces a few obstacles. The young ones are ready to interview suitable suitors, but they soon realise what a mammoth task this could be.
Friday 16 August 2024
Episode 75
Du Toit sees no other way out but a permanent escape from his circumstances. 
It really isn’t going well with Du Toit - and his mental health is starting to suffer. Shireen is overjoyed thanks to Joey’s gesture.

Debbie-Lee doesn’t understand why her life isn’t working out - especially when it seems like everyone else is living out their dreams. Sandyn has a tentative solution for her situation. Du Toit decides that he has had enough of everything that is happening around him. 
Monday 19 August 2024
Episode 76
Du Toit’s action gets mixed reactions during a night of high drama on the farm. 
It’s a night of high drama for the people of Soebatskloof when Du Toit’s lifeless body is discovered. Sandy’s date is almost ruined by a strange woman that watches her like a hawk. The young ones are not sure how to react on the news of Du Toit. Francois’s priorities are questioned. 
Tuesday 20 August 2024
Episode 77
Kietie is not a good enough reason for Sandy and Dewald not to give it another go. 
Debbie-Lee doesn’t hide her unhappiness and discontent anymore - and it leads to a conversation with Sandy and Joey.

Lynn and Francois have very different reactions to the situation with Du Toit, while Veronique and Tjoppie have a very serious talk with their boys. Dewald and Sandy decide to go on a real and proper date - in spite of Kietie. 
Wednesday 21 August 2024
Episode 78
Everywhere on Soebatskloof peace is kept, sought, or offered. 
Annette doesn’t know what to do with the cards that are now on the table, but in a gesture to keep the peace she pays a visit. The white flag is raised everywhere - or at least it is being offered. Sandy and Dewald’s white hot romance gets a serious knock.
Thursday 22 August 2024
Episode 79
Allison puts her best foot forward, while Dewald tries in vain - and Annette bears her soul. 
Shireen receives an application from a nurse at her practise - and it is very clear that Allison is fascinated by Edmund.

Annette bears her heart and soul towards Veronique - and then makes a decision regarding Du Toit. Dewald tries to explain how things in his household works - and Sandy’s reaction speaks volumes. The preparations for the practice’s opening is in full swing.
Friday 23 August 2024
Episode 80
Shireen’s practise’s opening is only the backdrop for the Soebatsklowers and their dramas. 
The big day has finally arrived with the opening of Shireen’s revamped practice. Sandy’s plan for the opening is to dress like a queen, so that she can better ignore Dewald. The wind is completely taken out of Lynn’s sails when Annette insists on taking care of Du Toit - and then she lets Veronique in on a secret.
Monday 26 August 2024
Episode 81
Veronique adjusts her behaviour to get answers - and Annette and Lynn is exhausted. 
Veronique realizes that Octavia has skeletons in her closet, and this propels her to dive deeper into Octavia’s past! In order to set her plan in motion, she will, however, have to adjust her behaviour…

The pressure of looking after Du Toit day and night is getting too much for Annette - and Lynn follows shortly on her heels. Sandy gets an unexpected visit from Kietie, who brings her a very unexpected gift. 
Tuesday 27 August 2024
Episode 82
Sandy, Du Toit, and Annette greet the future - but Veronique wants to visit the past. 
Veronique’s erratic behaviour is getting more and more worrisome - especially after an incident at the restaurant.

With Annette’s support, Du Toit is facing his new reality, and this causes Francios to insist that he and Lynn move back to their own home. Sandy is done with any form of love life, although Dewald doesn’t share her feelings. 
Wednesday 28 August 2024
Episode 83

Shireen has to help with Veronique, while Sandy gets suspicious of Debbie-Lee. 
Du Toit doesn’t just make a breakthrough with his psychiatrist, but also with Annette. Veronique takes her plan one step further when her behaviour propels Tjoppie to get Shireen involved.

Sandy is convinced that something is cooking again between Debbie-Lee and Phillip when she notices that Debbie-Lee is spending a lot of time on her phone again. 
Thursday 29 August 2024
Episode 84
Veronique is booked in at Aandblom Clinic, and Annette makes an announcement. 
Veronique is admitted to the Aandblom Clinic - she asks the boys to keep her admittance a secret. Du Toit apologises to Annette for everything that has happened in the recent past - and Annette has an announcement of her own.

Debbie-Lee is very excited about her date that awaits – and Sandy is shocked to hear that it is not with Phillip. Tjoppie doesn’t want Du Toit in his house. 
Friday 30 August 2024
Episode 85
Veronique finds half an answer, while Octavia causes new problems. 
Debbie-Lee does not want to divulge the name of her late-night lover. Annette and Du Toit’s session with the therapist leads to an important question from Du Toit regarding the baby.

Veronique realises that if Dr Malherbe does not want to talk to her about Octavia, there is another way of getting the information. Octavia wants to move into Hermien’s bedroom.

Premiere episodes of Kelders van Geheime air on from Mondays to Fridays at 18h00.


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1 Comment
17 Aug 2024 21:01

Zak Hendricks verdien 'n groot pluimpie vir sy spel die afgelope tyd.  Dit moet  onmoontlik moeilik wees om doodstil plat op jou rug te lê en jy het net jou gesig om alle acting mee te doen.  Kudus Zak!

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