Plek van die Vleisvreters

Genres: Drama



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Season 1

Plek van die Vleisvreters (Place of the Flesh-Eaters) is a South African Afrikaans-language television drama series produced by Spectro Productions in association with M-Net Original Productions in which a murder mystery unravels on a game farm against the backdrop of sibling rivalries and revenge.

The series originally aired on DStv's kykNET channel from 15 April to 8 July, 2004. It later aired on SABC2 and on kykNET & Kie. There are 13 hour-long episodes in one season. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.

The series originally aired on kykNET from 15 April to 8 July, 2004, on Thursdays at 20h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.

It later aired on SABC2 from 14 July to 13 October, 2009, on Tuesdays at 19h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.

Plek van die Vleisvreters premiered on kykNET & Kie on Saturday 13 July 2013, at 19h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.

English Synopsis

Plek van die Vleisvreters is a nerve-wracking murder mystery which plays out on a luxury game farm, Granietfontein, which is inherited by one Bertus du Toit.

His two brothers - Jaap and Frans - are bitterly unhappy that he is the one to inherit the farm and will do anything to deny him his windfall.

They begin plotting ways to bring about his downfall, ranging from ancestral spirits to drugs, wild animals and a seductress. Things start going horribly wrong and soon someone lands in a morgue with a tag on their toe.

Who could it be, and who are the suspects?

The three brothers form the core of the story along with Bertus' son Rudolph (Hykie Berg), who is battling demons in his own soul. But all the other characters get their moment in the spotlight... or the blinding light of the truth.

A useful tip: when Samson the Sangoma sees his visions in the fire, watch carefully and remember what you see. Listen carefully to every word that is said. And trust nobody.

The story begins in a cave on the farm where Bertus’ two sons - encouraged by their uncle Frans (Tertius Meintjies) - are playing Russian Roulette. Their father’s favourite, Bertie, dies after taking a bullet to the head and after the funeral Rudolph is immediately disinherited.

This might just open the door for Jaap and Frans to claim the farm for themselves.

While Bertus is grieving over the death of his son, his brothers pay a seductress to soften him up, but to their surprise he falls head over heels in love with her.

And guess who stands in line to inherit the farm now...

But Bertus begins to get suspicious and makes an announcement that will have far-reaching implications for a bunch of people. He makes a number of enemies in the process, and those that seek revenge end up making others upset.

Soon the farm becomes a cauldron of suspicion, jealousy, anger, revenge and mistrust.

Plek van die Vleisvreters was written by Chris Vorster, directed by Gerrit Schoonhoven and produced by Johan van de Vyver for Spectro Productions. The soundtrack was composed and performed by Paul Riekert.

The production was filmed largely in the Ngonyama Lodge in the Kruger National Park game reserve from August to November, 2003.

Afrikaans Synopsis

Plek van die Vleisvreters is 'n senutergende moordstorie wat op 'n luukse wildplaas afspeel. Dié besonderse lappie aarde, Granietfontein, is erfgrond wat behoort aan ene Bertus du Toit.

Sy twee broers, Jaap en Frans, is bitter ongelukkig omdat hy die uitverkorene was, en sal enigiets doen om hom sy erfreg te ontsê.

Só ontstaan 'n gekonkel wat alles van voorvadergeeste tot dwelms, wilde diere en 'n seksbom met losse sedes insluit. Maar dan loop dinge skeef en kort voor lank lê iemand in 'n lykshuis met 'n kaartjie om die toon.

Wie kan die slagoffer wees? En wie is die verdagtes?

Die drie broers vorm die kern van die verhaal saam met Bertus se seun, Rudolph, wat in sy eie sielestryd gewikkel is. Maar al die ander karakters kry hul oomblik in die kalklig... of die verblindende lig van die waarheid.

'n Goeie wenk: hou in elke episode die skerm fyn dop, en fokus op die visioene wat die sangoma, Samson, in die vuur sien. Luister mooi wat elkeen sê. En moet niemand vertrou nie.

Die verhaal begin in 'n grot op die plaas waar Bertus se twee seuns, op aansporing van hul oom Frans, Russiese Roulette speel. Pa se gunsteling, Bertie, kry 'n koeël deur die kop, en ná 'n hartseer begrafnis onterf Bertus summier vir Rudolph.

Dit gee miskien - net miskien - vir Jaap en Frans 'n kans om die plaas vir hulself op te eien. Terwyl Bertus treur oor die dood van sy seun betaal hulle 'n hoertjie om hom 'sag' te maak. Teen hul verwagting raak Bertus halsoorkop verlief op haar.

En raai net aan wie bemaak hy die plaas...

Maar dan begin hy onraad vermoed en hy maak 'n aankondiging wat ernstige implikasies vir 'n hele klomp mense inhou. Bertus maak baie vyande en dié wat wraak soek, maak op hul beurt ander mense kwaad.

Die plaas ontaard in 'n kookpot van afguns, woede, wraak en agterdog.

Hans Strydom, Tertius Meintjes en Richard van der Westhuizen is die drie broers. Onder die ander bekende akteurs tel Dorette Potgieter, Anrich Herbst, Sandy Mokwena, Nazli George, Dirk Stoltz en Nthati Moshesh.

Dié gesoute ensemble word aangevul deur 'n klomp nuwelinge, soos Kim Nicholas, Hykie Berg, Nicola Hanekom, Danie van Rensburg en Christel van den Bergh.

Regisseur Gerrit Schoonhoven spoor die akteurs tot groot hoogtes aan terwyl die spanning oplaai en feitlik elke karakter om die beurt onder verdenking kom.

Chris Vorster het die draaiboek geskryf en Spectro Produksies het die reeks vervaardig. Plek van die Vleisvreters is grootliks geskiet by Ngonyama Lodge in die Krugersdorp-wildtuin.

Cast and Characters

Hans Strydom, Tertius Meintjes and Richard van der Westhuizen are the three brothers. Other well-known actors include Dorette Potgieter, Anrich Herbst, Sandy Mokwena, Nazli George, Dirk Stoltz and Nthati Moshesh.

The ensemble cast is rounded out by a group of newcomers to television drama, including Kim Nicholas, Hykie Berg, Nicola Hanekom, Danie van Rensburg and Christel van den Bergh.

A feature of Plek van die Vleisvreters is that it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between the people and wild animals. As tension mounts, the characters increasingly start relying on their survival instincts.

The following are the main cast members and their characters - and the animal within each of them.

Hans Strydom (Bertus - The Lion)
Bertus du Toit is the stubborn, upright owner of the farm. His brothers, Frans and Jaap, bear grudges against him because he inherited the farm, so he has to keep them firmly under control.

But his powers decline after the death of his son, Bertie. Will he be strong enough to keep the jackal and hyena at bay?

Tertius Meintjes (Frans - The Jackal)
Frans du Toit is a ruthless manipulator, womaniser, bully and the leader of a drug ring.

After squandering his inheritance, he spent time in the police and the army's special forces and disappeared for 10 years. Upon his return, he had money to buy back the family tannery.

Richard van der Westhuizen (Jaap - The Hyena)
The embittered Jaap is half-brother to Bertus and Frans. He is the tour guide on the farm. Jaap resorts to violence when things don't go his way.

But is he capable of committing murder?

Nicola Hanekom (Liza - The Snake)
Liza's area of expertise is men. She married Bertus, but also has affairs with Jaap and Frans. She is hard to fathom, fluctuating as she does between naivete and callousness.

She is being paid to form part of a ruthless plot.

Hykie Berg (Rudolph - The Wounded Cub)
Rudolph was partly responsible for his brother Bertie's death. He is suffering from serious psychological problems. His father has disowned and rejected him. He drowns his sorrows in drink.

Deep in debt, he is clearly heading for a fall.

Sandy Mokwena (Samson - The Elephant)
Samson Ngobeni's connection to the farm goes back generations. This quiet game warder sees life from an unusual angle as he is also a sangoma. His ancestors tell him things no one else knows.

But what are they saying? And how will this affect the future of the farm?

Nazli George (Hettie - The Ostrich)
Hettie is in charge of the kitchen and restaurant. After the death of Bertus's wife, she raised his sons alongside her daughter Dawn. She raises the ire of those who don't share her beliefs.

Kim Nicholas (Dawn - The Little Bird)
Dawn is Hettie's daughter. She works as a receptionist at the farm. She is a bit of a party animal, but she knows where to draw the line.

But is Dawn too good to be true? Is she hiding something?

Adrian Alper (Randall - The Monkey)
Randall Jantjies is Dawn's boyfriend - a slacker with connections in the seedy world of drugs and petty crime. Randall becomes involved in Frans's drug syndicate.

They think they can use him to their benefit. Can he outwit them?

Anrich Herbst (Chris - The Leopard)
Chris Roux is the idealistic new game ranger. He soon clashes with old salts, who find him way too inquisitive for his own good.

And then he falls in love with the wrong woman...

Dorette Potgieter (Sonja - The Doe)
Sonja is the attractive vet in charge of the animal hospital on the farm. The vulnerability she exudes may be connected to her past.

Matt Stern (Ivan - The Skunk)
Ivan is the farm's ambitious accountant. He is mounting an expensive election campaign. Bertus smells a rat and finds out Frans is bankrolling the campaign in exchange for some favours.

Dirk Stoltz (Daan - The Rhino)
Daan Retief is the PRO and conference manager. His family life is a mess and so is his career. Frans has a hold over him, and as a result, he abandons his principles.

Janine Pretorius (Rika - The Praying Mantis)
Daan's wife Rika is a bored housewife. She makes Daan's life a misery, and they've lost all control of their teenage daughter.

Christel van den Bergh (Ansie - The Wasp)
Ansie is Daan and Rika's daughter. She is still at school, but hooked on drugs. Daan and Rika fail to notice the state she's in - until she ends up in the lion's den.

Danie van Rensburg (Hein - The Hedgehog)
Hein is a junkie who cashes in on Ansie's addiction.

Alyzzander Fourie (Superintendent Karel Lubbe - The Hippo)
Lubbe is a task-force police commander. Frans is one of his former colleagues, against whom he still harbours a grudge.

Nthati Moshesh (Captain Modise - The Buffalo)
Modise is a fearless policewoman on Lubbe's team, with a penchant for violence and torture.

Adrian Waldron (Brian - The Crocodile)
Brian is Frans's cocaine-snorting right-hand man, whose mission is to trap people in a web of drugs, violence and depravity.


Season 1 (13 episodes

Channel: kykNET | Premiere: 15 Apr 2004 | Finale: 8 Jul 2004 | Thu, 20h00
Channel: SABC2 | Premiere: 14 Jul 2009 | Finale: 13 Oct 2009 | Tue, 19h30
Channel: kykNET & Kie | Premiere: 13 Jul 2013 | Finale: 5 Oct 2013 | Sat, 19h30

Season 1 Cast

Bertus du Toit

Chris Roux

Daan Retief

Dawn September

Frans du Toit

Hettie September

Jaap du Toit

Liza du Toit

Randall Jantjies

Rudolph du Toit

Samson Ngobeni

Sonja Bester


Ansie Retief

Bertie du Toit


Brian Moore

Captain Modise

Doc Botha

Dr. van Pletzen

Gert Ysel


Ivan Steenkamp


Rika Retief

Superintendent Karel Lubbe

Suster Rina


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