Season 1
The Mating Game is a South African television drama series created by Anita Khanna and produced by Uhuru Productions which explores the personal lives of three independent women who - despite their achievements - are struggling with motherhood, love and friendship.
Grace Molele (Maggie Benedict) is a 29-year-old host for a daily radio show, Ebony Vibes, and is not afraid to speak her mind on air.
Roxanne Davids (Renate Stuurman) is a sub-editor for a women's magazine, Women's Nation, under-utilized by her controlling boss Kefilwe (Khabonina Qubeka).
Sara van Graan (Elma Postma) is a doctor and runs a clinic for women.
By the time these women become friends, shifts in the social landscape have opened up possibilities for women in South Africa to compete more equally with their male counterparts.
This new layer of women is bright, independent, sexually liberated and frequently in conflict with the values of their more traditional parents.
In their long awaited bid for freedom, they have left most men scratching their heads, looking to the past for self-definition. Grace, Roxanne and Sara all have different reasons to want to choose a life that's very different to that of their mothers.
By the end of the series, each of the women have redefined what it means to be a mother, in some cases by drawing on the vast experience of elders, in others, by making a break from out of date belief systems.
Also starring is Nick Boraine who plays Warren - a mysterious stranger who meets Grace in a car park.
The Mating Game was written by Anita Khanna and is produced by Khanna and Walter Ayers of Uhuru Productions, for SABC2. Alex Yazbek, Amanda Lane and Neal Sundstrom direct.