Season 1
Mad Love is an American television sitcom created by Matt Tarses which revolves around a quartet of single friends in New York City - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other, at least initially.
The series aired in the USA on CBS from 14 February to 16 May, 2011. There are 13 half-hour episodes in one season.
Mad Love premiered in South Africa on M-Net and DStv's M-Net HD channel on Tuesday 20 December 2011, at 19h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Mad Love is a comedy about a quartet of New Yorkers - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other... at least for now.
Ben, a lawyer, is a hopeless romantic trying to build a relationship with Kate, a beautiful, smart girl whom Ben thinks is the woman of his dreams.
Larry, Ben's unrefined best friend and co-worker, is a guy who doesn't believe in love and has a long track record as the third wheel.
Connie, Kate's roommate, works as a nanny and finds Larry aggravating... or does she?
Larry and Connie have a lot in common, but refuse to let their guard down long enough to see it.