Season 1
Zone 14 is a South African television drama series produced by Angus Gibson for The Bomb Shelter and set in a typical township location which focuses on the daily lives of two warring families - the Sibiyas and the Molois - and the Tiger Boys, a soccer team with high aspirations in the league.
The series premiered on SABC1 on Monday 7 November 2005, at 20h30. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 1
Zone 14 puts a spin on the usual soapie by locating it on a typical township street with two families, the Sibiyas and the Molois who own a soccer team, at its heart.
Life happens on the street. Here soccer bosses, small time traders, aspiring players, beauty queens, factory workers, gangsters and the jobless live side by side, sharing stories and laughter, falling in love, fighting battles and dreaming.
Zone 14 tells the stories of Soweto that have never been told before, from the fun of hanging out at the local tavern, to washing cars for money, and styling your hair at the local salon while sharing stories about falling in love.
The soccer team, The Tiger Boys, has fought its way up the 2nd division and is tipped to win the league and move into 1st division. All player's hearts are set on joining the Premier League.
Over the course of the series we share the heartaches, triumphs and failures of the team - the rivalry, corruption, courage and dreams of the players, coaches, wives, and girlfriends.
The fans live, dream and eat soccer - provide the energy, passion and heart no matter what. They know every detail, every story, every goal and every failure. The rich history of soccer feeds into their everyday conversation - past heroes and their legends, the changing styles, tactics and play of the game.
While Zone 14 reflects the world of football, it is not only about soccer. It is also about the meaning of the game for everyone involved: winning and losing, personal victory and obsession, the pursuit of power, hope for a better life and the meaning of success.
It is about the personal challenges off the field in everyday lives, including the struggle to earn a living, the sweet pain of falling in love, the setbacks of illness, and the powerful lure of money.
There are budding romances, broken hearts and deceiving spouses. There are personal hopes and dreams threatened daily by the realities of survival - dreams of education, careers and families, some successful and some never realised.
In Zone 14, times can be harsh and unpredictable but people celebrate life and find humour amidst pain, and companionship with neighbours and friends.
Series exclusive to SABC1
Season 1 (52 episodes)
Premiere: 7 November 2005 | Finale: 20 November 2006 | Mondays, 20h30
Season 2 (52 episodes)
Premiere: 7 May 2007 | Finale: 28 April 2008 | Mondays, 20h30
Season 3 (104 episodes)
Premiere: 12 July 2010 | Finale: 6 July 2011 | Mondays and Wednesdays, 20h30
Season 4 (104 episodes)
Premiere: 13 July 2011 | Finale: 9 July 2012 | Mondays and Wednesdays, 20h30