Season 1
The Shield is an American police procedural television series created by Shawn Ryan and produced by Fox Television Studios in association with Sony Pictures Television, about an experimental division of the Los Angeles Police Department featuring a group of detectives called "The Strike Team," who will stop at nothing to bring justice to the streets.
The show is known for its controversial portrayal of corrupt police officers.
The series follows Detective Vic Mackey and his elite strike force, located within an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct. The team is tough, sometime brutal and for the most part effective.
But it's never that simple. Their methods are questionable and their motives are often corrupt.
Mackey faces a difficult time at home, with a wife who wants to leave him, and struggles to balance his professional and personal lives. The precinct captain, Aceveda, is uneasy about the strike team yet uses them to further his political ambitions.
Add to these characters a temperemental and volatile young team of detectives and the resulting clashes are not always just with the criminals.
The Shield creator Shawn Ryan and Scott Brazil are executive producers, with Glen Mazzara and Charles H. Eglee serving as Co-Executive Producers. The Shield is produced by Fox Television Studios in association with Sony Pictures Television.