Season 2
Those Who Can't is a South African sitcom created by Tom Eaton and Alan Committie, written by Eaton, directed by Tim Greene and produced by Quizzical Pictures which follows the staff of an elite but dysfunctional private school, where the playground and staffroom are hard to tell apart and the grown-ups are as mature as 12-year-olds.
Every day, in homes across the country, young people fumble for the alarm-clock, stumble into the same clothes they wore yesterday, and go to school. For hours they endure boredom, bullies and brats. Then, for the lucky ones, it's home-time.
For the less fortunate, it's a forced march to the sports fields, and then it's home to hours and hours of tedious homework. Welcome to the life of a high-school teacher.
Those Who Can't takes you into a little known world: the staff-room of an elite but dysfunctional private school, where the playground and staffroom are hard to tell apart, and the grown-ups are as mature as 12-year-olds.
The cast of Season 2 includes Sello Sebotsane (principal Ezekiel Dlamini), Grant Swanby (vice principal Victor Virgil), Chantal Herman (English teacher Sylvia Hiscock), Robyn Scott (Secretary Marlena Heinkel), Loyiso Macdonald (PE & Geography teacher Woody Mabandla), Kate Normington (Guidance counselor Desiree Young), Terence Bridgett (MEC Darrel Kaiser), Sylvaine Strike (Maths teacher Agatha Borg), Khabonina Qubeka (school governing body head Sibongile Qubeka), Brent Palmer (Drama teacher Naziem Isaacs) and Motlatji Ditodi (Home Economics teacher Pinky).
Those Who Can't is produced by Quizzical Pictures, created by Tom Eaton and Alan Committie, written by Tom Eaton and directed by Tim Greene. It is executive produced by Harriet Gavshon, Nimrod Geva, Tom Eaton and Alan Committie.
The series is shot on location at Parktown Boys' High School.