Season 1
Backstage is a South African youth-targeted soap opera produced by Bottom Line Productions and revolving around the lives of the young students who attend the Vulindlela College, a school for the performing arts, in downtown Johannesburg.
The series originally aired on from 1 May, 2000 to 6 July, 2007. It aired daily (on weekdays) at 18h30.
A rebroadcast of Backstage premiered on on Monday 5 January 2009, at 16h40. New episodes broadcast on weekdays at the same time.
Backstage is a youth drama where we are introduced to a host of young students who attend the Vulindlela College, a school for the performing arts, in downtown Johannesburg.
The college is filled with aspiring artists who will do anything - including plot, backstab and scheme - in order to achieve their moment in the limelight.
The head of the college is Ipeleng Theledi who runs the college with a firm but fair hand. The lecturers who assist her are Katlego Rathebe, Naomi Singh, Sebastian Young, Charmaine Jacobs and Keketso Chaka.
Besides the College, there are various hang out spots like Katlego’s coffee shop and of course the popular bar, Emanzini, owned by the evil Zinzi Mzamo in partnership with cool dude, Chippa Mhlati.
Follow the trials and tribulations of this bunch of performers as they strive to become the best in the tough world of show business in the arts of dancing, singing, film making, etc while they tackle the day to day dramas of love, passion and betrayal.
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